04 August 2010

Kanye Tw'est

must. invest. in horns. 

When new things happen in pop-culture,
I have noticed a personal trend of
inherent skepticism,
mostly used as a defense mechanism against 
the lame (Twitter, Gaga, Jersey Shore),
as well as trying to avoid
the cliche' that is someone's over-eagerness to provide
"the next big thing"
before anyone else.
Kanye West 
"finally getting a Twitter account"
is probably a huge deal to a lot of people,
not really sure why,
as Twitter has basically become facebook for celebrities.
Take any twitterized statement        <----I will never use the word "tweet" 
Kanye makes,
and substitute 
his worth with that of 
the dude who sat 
next to you in a random English class 
at your 
local community college in 2005.
I doubt The New Yorker will be calling him, or you for knowing him.
Unless I was that guy in your English class.
Then you should care.